shot of sass, served on (n)ice

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

While You Were at the Bar 7/16

News you can use:

Evidence is coming to light that the Colombian government may have misused the emblem of the Red Cross in the daring rescue of 15 hostages. A military source shopping unpublished photos and a video from the rescue pitched them to CNN, who was not willing to pay the asking price. CNN, however, is reporting on what's contained in the photos, which they say is a man wearing a bib much like the one that international aid workers wear. If the government did use the Red Cross logo, it is considered a breach of the Geneva Convention and could be seen as a 'war crime.'

Some ravers in Russia have lost partial vision after their retinas were burned from a laser light. The Aquamarine Open Air Festival, in Kirzhach, had to be moved into tents due to rain. The lasers, which are normally illuminated upwards, were instead used inside the tents and refracted into the eyes of at least 29 attendees.

Nine British women have been arrested for participating in a sex competition in Greece. They must have some seriously good (or bad) alcohol in Greece to make NINE women want to compete in a competition of the oral variety. I would need a boatload of alcohol. BOATLOAD.

News you can lose:

Fans of "Nip/Tuck" listen up! FX has deemed the show done as of early 2011. Set your TiVos now.

Word of the Day:

fiduciary (adjective): Relating to the holding of something in trust for another OR someone who stands in a special relation of trust, confidence, or responsibility in certain obligations to others; a trustee

It is our fiduciary responsibility not to let you go home with someone while wearing your beer goggles.

2 tips left at the bar:

Ruby said...

NO ONE wants to comment on the women in the sex competition? What is wrong with you people? Oh, I see, unlike me, you girls are apt to undertake such challenges when you're drunk, eh? NO WONDER you are so popular with the boys!

penelope said...

But will there be an HBO special on the British women? Just curious.

That laser story is going to give me nightmares! Burned retinas, GEEZ!