shot of sass, served on (n)ice

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Her T Back Strikes Back

Did she just do that?

Woman suing over thong injury

Macrida Patterson is suing Vicky Secret over a thong that injured her, and she went on the TODAY show and talked about it. It wasn't the 'this thing rode up and chapped my ass' kind of injury as you might expect, but an eye injury. For real.

My first thought was that someone was doing some inevitable sling shot type shenanigans and popped her in the face, but no. The little decorative heart on the thong broke loose and the staple holding it on (or not holding it on, as it were) hit her in the eye.

That sucks, for sure, but I damn sure wouldn't sue over it, and then go on national TV and talk about my skivvies. Especially when it could be presumed by some that perhaps the little string was under an undue amount of stress as it stretched over my healthy hips and popped loose. NoWayInHell.

Hopefully my hips/ass will never be the subject of a national television show. The Internets, however, that's another story...

5 tips left at the bar:

mendacious said...

can someone explain the use of thongs to me anyway? it's like just go commando?... or?

Karen said...

Thongs prevent VPLs (visible panty lines.) They are uncomfortable as hell (think: rectal floss)and require some painful "lawn maintenance" to be worn correctly (think: Brazilian wax. Those guys invented the thong!)

Thank God, now, whenever I decide to wear a bejewled one, it is not kept on me long. TMI- I know!

I think it is weird that they make maternity thongs! Haven't bought one, don't intend to!

MEGAN: Now that I have my eyesight back, should I burn my jeweled thongs? Or maybe hope they will get me rich one day?

Ruby said...

Girls, girls! Why are you so down on the thong?

I am a believer and will sing the praises of not having to worry about a VPL. If they are uncomfortable, then you've either got the wrong style or the wrong size. I believe Niki has a post about just such a topic... right Knickers?

Karen, I highly doubt that your bejeweled thong will cause you harm. I've seen your teeny tiny ass so you should be set. I think perhaps the combination of tiny ass and bejeweled thong is how you ended up in the state currently find yourself in, mama! :)

Niki said...

I LOVE this interview. Meredith Viera is trying her damnedest to keep a straight face. "Victim" is all "that thing hit me in the face and it hurt!" Attorney is TOTALLY in legal-speak mode when "victim" looks like a stripper. I love everything about this interview.

I DO have a post about thongs, about Hanky Pankies...but I have to say that recently I've had to denounce the thong at the instruction of my doctor :(

penelope said...

Hi-larious. Someone needs to take this gal into a room with that damned McDonalds coffee lady and say, Look, shit happens. Coffee is supposed to be HOT, and thongs won't snap apart if they're the RIGHT SIZE. This chick in particular has no shame!