If I absolutely have to fess up to this kind of thing, which is not something that I like to do, then under complete duress I will admit that I'm a dirty, dirty girl. For reals. (Hasn't Andria forced me to confess other dirty secrets before? She might be a bit sadistic, I think.)
Sooooo.... My cleaning habits? Right.
Here's the long (ok, pretty much the short) of how often I undertake these particular chores:
vacuum - typically once a week, but not every room in the house - unused or barely used rooms get vacuumed less, we'll just say
clean toilets - Ideally, once a week. Actually, once every two weeks or as they are deemed too disgusting
clean bathtubs - not until I totally make myself sick with the heinous state of nasty
clean sinks - um, I don't know!
clean mirrors - every couple of weeks
clean out the microwave - when it's too gross to continue using or something blows up in it
clean the oven/stovetop - when I make a mess cooking
clean the counters - yea, something I do regularly! almost every day
clean windows - never
mop floors - when it happens, it's with a Swiffer - I'd love to say once a week but that would be a lie
change the sheets on the bed - I did this yesterday - before that? who knows
change out towels - yea, another thing I do regularly! Our bathroom has terrible air flow and towels get musty fast - every couple of days, I think
dust - never to the never-th degree. I absolutely HATE dusting!
load/unload dishwasher - every other day
pick up random shit that gets strewn around the house - constantly
pick up mail and my shit that is all over the counters - the day after tomorrow (read: never)
I feel as though I should be clear on something within this nasty admission of my slovenly ways: If I know that someone is coming over, I will clean the house top to bottom. Maybe I need to have people come over more often? Like every day? This post reminds me of a show that I discovered on BBC America called How Clean Is Your House? It's awesome, and makes me feel better about myself because at least I'm not as bad as THEY are!
It's all about the enabling, y'all, all about enabling.
2 tips left at the bar:
I think we are on the EXACT same cleaning schedule...NONE!!
I knew you wouldn't let me down, I think dusting is very overrated.
Wow, I swear my list reads exactly the same, down to counters every day, but everything else... as needed.
Wait, what kind of laundry don't you ever stop doing? ;)
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