shot of sass, served on (n)ice

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What we're doing, Tueday style: (updated continuously)

6:00 AM: Ruby - You know my rear is still in bed. I totally scheduled this in advance.

6:15 AM: Ruby - I will probably still be in bed.

6:30 AM: Ruby - Yep.

7:25 AM: Andria is trying to ignore the "maaaaaama! Daddy!" coming from down the hall.

7:30 AM: Andria, in a sleep induced state is trying to recall the phone number for day care. If he's going to be up, maybe they can go to school today for a couple of hours. I have an appointment this morning anyway.

7:32 AM: Andria damn, can't remember, must go downstairs and get phone. Grab Little Man and carry him with me, laying angelic-like on my shoulder. I know it's a rouse.

7:35 AM: Andria double damn, teacher out, no room at daycare for drop ins.

7:38 AM: Andria watches from bed as Little Man comes out of the bathroom. . with toilet paper, that's still attached to the wall, so leaving a long trail.

7:42 AM: Andria observes as Little Man grabs a cup of water from the counter and precariously brings it to me. Miracuosly manages not to spill it.

7:47 AM: Andria gives up the fight/hope and turns off the white noise of the floor fan.

7:50 AM: Andria rolls the toilet paper back up haphazardly on the roll.

8ish: Andria is highly disturbed she just used the toothbrush she had set aside for cleaning due to suspicion of tampering from Little Man. And more upset she didn't just toss it to begin with; exactly what kind of cleaning would have been done, foolish one?

8:07 AM: Andria bumps up the heat downstairs and turns on the computer, leaving Little Man to torture sleepy dogs and entertain himself.

9:00 AM: Andria is off to wake up Sleeping Beauty.

9:16 am: Ruby - I can't figure out how my clothes go into the dryer smelling all Gain-ish and come out smelling like nothing. I want my Gain smell, dammit!

9:31 am: Tempe - Wondering if Ruby's tried this:
Gain has dryer sheets too! Surely that will give you that "Gain Smell." :)

9:34 AM: Andria - that Tempe is one smart gal. And I was going to suggest that sometimes, you don't notice your own smell, because you are so used to it, but others may still pick up the Gain smell from you - it's just a little more subtle coming out of the dryer than the wash?

9:48 am - Tempe - Wondering if I'm missing something. I use Tide. Hmm... Okay, must get back to work now. Focus, focus.

11:03 am Ruby - Happy Birthday Miss Thystle! You make the world a sweeter place by showing us your lovely rack.

11:08 PM Andria discovered a regular roll of Charmin Ultra Strong fits perfectly in the hole of the potty seat thanks to an experiment conducted this morning by Wyatt.

12:00 PM Andria Dippin Dots are falling from the sky! Tiny little snow pellets are hitting the deck and bouncing around! Can't decide if it's snow, rain or hail.

12:24 pm Tempe - just walked into office bathroom to see old lady receptionist in stall WITHOUT the door shut. Explanation: "I feel couped up in there, so I don't shut the door when I'm the only one in the bathroom." Seriously?! And ps, I didn't ask why you've decided to let everyone watch you pee.

1:20 PM Andria managed to turn a $15 deal on pictures into spending $100.

2:36 pm Ruby - Looking for a good pizza sauce recipe.

5:17 PM Andria wonders if it's ok to repeat yourself in different circles: FB, Twitter, Blogosphere. There are some friends that overlap, but there are also others that would miss your brilliance, right?

6:37 PM Andria instead of feeling good about my reusable bag purchase at Publix, feels kind of guilty that it took a "pretty" Earth Day version to prompt me to do so!

11:54 PM Andria is tired of talking to herself, especially in the third person. Maybe ya'll will catch a break and not get updates from me tomorrow.

3 tips left at the bar:

Ruby said...

I use the Gain dryer sheets! My dryer must be a big void of delicious Gain smells. What's the point of buying Gain if I can't smell it?! THE INJUSTICE, I tell you!

Andria said...

oh my, Tempe! The horrors!

tempe & chris said...

Andi, don't I know it. I'm a little scarred.