shot of sass, served on (n)ice

Friday, September 26, 2008

WTFriday, Generally Speaking

Last night on The Office, the whole staff was in a diet competition with the other branches, and some characters took it more seriously than others. Kelly did the good ol’ Master Cleanse, aka The Original WTF, and I absolutely adore how they handled her piece of the storyline. Because, EXACTLY.

Please watch the clip, it’s hi-larious.

3 tips left at the bar:

mendacious said...

one of the dickholes on that craft show i "worked" on- he actually tried the master cleanse. i think it might actually SAY something about them. on a really deep and disturbing level.

penelope said...

So many people at my old job tried it, which is why I find the clip so amusing...

Ruby said...

Exactly. The MC is nuckin' futs.