shot of sass, served on (n)ice

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

While You Were at the Bar 7/23

News you can use:

Dolly has gotten a boob job and been uplifted from a tropical storm to a hurricane. Dolly is expected to make landfall near the Texas-Mexico border today, but as a very low grade hurricane.

In a most confounding case, Casey Anthony has had her bail set at half a million dollars over the disappearance of her 2 year old daughter, Caylee. Anthony is accused of not informing authorities for 5 weeks after her daughter disappeared, and giving the police false information about the events surrounding her disappearance. Unfortunately, the case has begun to look more and more like a homicide after a cadaver dog alerted its handler of a human decomposition smell in the trunk of Anthony's car and in her yard. Hair that visually matches the little girl's was also found in the trunk.

A Texas grand jury has indicted six members in the polygamist ranch case. One of which would be Warren Jeffs, the sects self proclaimed prophet, for sexually assaulting a child.

News you can lose:

Just in time for the big Batman premiere, hottie Christian Bale is accused of assault by his moms and sister. Bale reported to a London police station where he answered questions, cooperated fully and then left.

Word of the Day:

gamine (noun): a girl who wanders about the streets; an urchin OR (and even better) a playfully mischievous girl or young woman

I think all of the Smatini girls, and maybe even a Wifezilla or two, fancy themselves as gamines. Right, ladies?

2 tips left at the bar:

ashley said...

Whatevs. I still TOTALLY ADORE Christian Bale. I almost wrote my letter to him, but it seemed unseemly to write an open invitation to a married man. (But as an aside, Christian, if you find this, I'm totally open.)

penelope said...

Maybe CB's wife and sister are a tad crazy. That was my first thought.

Dolly, uplifted, hee.

Hate to say it, but I totally called homicide the second I saw the mom. So utterly complacent! And all the details surrounding the case are more than fishy.