shot of sass, served on (n)ice

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I'm a proud member of Team Aniston.

Yeah, I know I'm supposed to discuss Brangelina. But I'm still pissed at Angie for breaking up America's couple - Brad & Jen.

I loved them. They were just so cute together - in every picture, it seemed that they were really in love with each other, rather than being in love with the camera. And Brangelina, as they've been dubbed, just look, well...bored together.

Now, granted - like every other person in the world besides Brad & Jen, I have no idea what really went down when they split. Was Angelina the homewrecker? Maybe. Were Brad & Jen just not in love anymore? It's possible. And sure, Angie's a fabulous mom, activist, and actress. But, if y'all don't mind, I'm gonna live in my little dream world, where I wear this shirt to meet Angie and her pack of children:

But I'm not bitter. Really.

2 tips left at the bar:

penelope said...

Yes, totally. I've always thought Angelina was hot... until she became part of the two-headed Brangelina Monster. And how anyone could dump sweet, lovable Jennifer is beyond me. Although, she and John Mayer are a different story. The word "cougar" comes to mind. Unfortunately.

I love that first pic, where the Brangelina Monster looks part Ken doll, part Ice Queen. And totally a good point that they seem to love the camera more than each other.

Did I say too much? Will I have anything left to say by Friday? Oh yes, yes I will. Never fear.

Vered said...

Funny. :)

No one knows for sure what happened, but like in any other case of betrayal, the betrayed one is usually better off than if she stayed with someone that has wandering eyes and betrayal tendencies.