I've always loved the scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark where Indiana Jones is up against the giant guy with a huge machete, and the guy is wielding it with all this fancy swordsmanship and Indy whips out his pistol and shoots the guy. Sometimes the best skill you can have is your mind - or someone else's.
So beyond the kind of smarts Indy has, I'd be Mindbender - not so much because I want to control minds - I just want to open them up and look around. Stroll down the corridors of someone else's memory. Know what they think of me...what their secrets are. I think my superpower comes mostly from being nosy - or diplomatically - "curious." I want to be in the know. I can't stand being aware of information that I don't actually have. I would love to be able to unravel mysteries - not only "whodunnits" but find out the answers to all sorts of life's mysteries. With my trusty whip, I could pause people long enough to use my piercing aqua stare to penetrate their minds. Beware of the Mindbender! Before you know it, I'll have intel on where Jimmy Hoffa's buried.
(Written by Ashley, posted by Megan)
3 tips left at the bar:
I was tempted by this ability as well, but you have to have some tough skin, I think, to really want to know what people think of you! And it would be tiring to constantly hear what other people are thinking. Good post.
So, no Jedi Mind Tricks? This is a great super-power, though I have to agree with andi in that a thick-skin would be needed to traverse the minds of others and find out what they think of you. But oh hell, I'd want to do it anyway.
P.S. Cute shoes!
Totally almost picked this one, too. But I'd be selfish - use this to make everyone do stuff for me, kind of like the Imperius Curse. My colleagues would be STUNNED at my undefeated trial record ; )
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