I realize we're in the midst of a hot topic this week, but I stumbled across this great web site and I really wanted to share. I just think it's the coolest idea and love the artistic, yet personal flair. I had fun browsing and creating names and words for lots of family and friends, maybe you know someone that would enjoy a custom art piece as well? You can order just the pictures or have it framed and matted. It's not the cheapest, so you'd probably really need to like the person if you're giving it as a gift, or really like the concept if you're doing it for yourself.

2 tips left at the bar:
That is very cool indeed! I like that you can make any word you want but I sort of wish that they were in color.
I could see someone looking at the frame in passing and not noticing the word until their second or third time past it. Do you think they would let you order 'phallus'? :)
I think that's part of the appeal to me; it's not obvious, but holds a deeper meaning if you study it. Some of the options for some of the letters are too literal for me and just a picture of the letter. I like the more inventive ones. It's totally changed my perspective on my world - I've been walking around looking at things trying to find letters in them.
Phallus, definitely. hee.
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