shot of sass, served on (n)ice

Monday, April 14, 2008

PSA: Springing Fashion Forward

Ladies of the nearby university:
Please be advised that there is a frost warning in effect for this evening, as there was last evening. While I understand your desperate need to be cute during chemistry you might want to reconsider your strapless confection or the halter you picked up at one of the downtown boutiques this weekend. I recognize that the calendar indicates that the weather should be much warmer and therefore suitable for acres of deep-fried skin and Rainbows, but you really can't argue with the thermometer. And while I understand that some people consider your ever-present "headlights" an alluring fashion statement, it really is a little much for a Monday. So please, do us all a favor and put on a coat, a sweater, a shirt - clothing of any kind, really. Your nakedness is leaving me cold.


2 tips left at the bar:

penelope said...

Half-naked bitches. Hated them in college, hate 'em even more now. Excuse me while I go put on my flannel jammies and burrow far under the covers. Wear the CORRESPONDING clothes for the CORRESPONDING weather.

tempe & chris said...

Girls that dressed up for class made me laugh. Of course, these were the same girls that caked on mascara to workout.

Of course, then there was the other side of the spectrum - those that decided to roll out of bed in their plaid PJ pants and a nasty, smelly sweatshirt and barely brush their hair.

What's wrong with the middle ground of a tshirt and jeans, huh??