shot of sass, served on (n)ice

Monday, April 14, 2008

Old Lady Finds Lost Boob Tatt on Her Knee

At the current moment, this bar maid is tatt-less. Also tactless, in some cases, but that's neither here nor there... So, the thought of just what I would get and where, if I were to go under the needle brings about some serious thought. For about a minute.

I have pretty much made up my mind that I am passing on the tattoo train. Not for any other reason than I don't know of anything that I love enough to get it permanently put on my body. That, and the fact that I really don't want to see the damn thing 60 years from now in a totally different location than where I originally put it! Ok, maybe that's two reasons but whatever. Find me a place that won't stretch or sag and I'll maybe consider possibly thinking about thinking about it.

Actually, I have a friend with the most discreet tattoo in a place that shouldn't sag or stretch: her wrist. It is ever so little, maybe the size of a pea, and positioned right on the inner portion of the top of her wrist. I really like that placement since it is barely noticeable but out there, nonetheless. Surely I wouldn't get fired over that, would I?

What to put in the little pea mini tatt? I'm going to have to go all mom on you and say an 'E' and an 'A' for my girls in a the deep, dark blue that is their eye color. Awww... look at me!

When I win the best mom ever award for getting inked with my girls' initials, there might be one other thing I'd like to have on my person, to help with the stage lights and all: permanent eyeliner. That would be so bad ass! Not Amy Winehouse drawn-on-with-a-fat-magic-marker eyeliner, but something to add a little perk to my face, I think. Oh, wait, that requires someone poking a needle into my eyelid repeatedly. No. Thank. You.

For now I'll just keep to the eyeliner that washes off and the verbal 'I love you's. But who knows, maybe one day I'll get into a shot contest with one of the Smartini girls and decide that a tattoo is in order. Y'all just make sure I sober up before the Mom of the Year award ceremony, ok?

2 tips left at the bar:

penelope said...

OMG, you stole all my ideas! How I would never get a tattoo because my mommy told me that it would be all blurred and saggy when I get to be an old lady. And she worked in a nursing home, so trust me, she knows. And THEN I was going to go on to say that IF I were to get tattoos, it would be "K" and "N" for my babies. Even though it would be totally ripping off my husband, who has a ladybug tatt for K.Lo, and will be getting an "N" one of these days for N.Lo.

Whatevs, good thing I have all week to think of something else to say on this tatt matter. In the meantime, cheers to you and me being mothers of the year! Awwwww. We're so damn sweet.

Anonymous said...

Good answer!
I have a friend that did the permanent eyeliner. .I haven't seen her since, but think she's happy with it!