But she drank her own breast milk. WTF. Sure, it's nutritious for your baby and all, and I understand that she wished to continue nursing her daughter whenever she was sent home. Claire said she couldn't bear to throw away her pumped milk because the stuff is like liquid gold, which I completely understand, and I totally give her props for even pumping in the first place, much less exclusively. But hello, if you don't want to throw it out, why not, I don't know, send it to your baby?!
Grown-ups don't drink breast milk, it's weird and it's gross. Every nursing gal, out of sheer curiosity, will taste a drop of her own, but drinking it by the glassful is a whole nother bowl of nuts. So, I don't know, Claire. I wonder about you.
This week's episode of ANTM was a recap, which I normally find to be a waste of time, but there was more footage of Claire, sipping on her Boob Latte and talking it up, and I couldn't look away. I wish I had a picture, but I bet you're glad I don't.
6 tips left at the bar:
Sick! Claire must not have one of those neat things called a freezer?!
You're killing me with the Boob Latte!
I couldn't believe more people weren't repulsed by it (or at least found her a little disturbing and cuckoo?!)and was really shocked when she was the viewer's choice that week and several consecutive weeks after that confession!
Oh, ew. Ew, ew, ew.
That being said, "boob latte" is pretty freakin' funny :)
I think I just threw up a little bit, in the back of my mouth...
Boob lattes - n the kids' menu at Starbucks any day now.
OMG. As a single and childless person, this creeps me out beyond belief. I'm going to go cry now.
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