Cried. Because summer TV was over. They canceled Life. And Reaper. And I’m still bitter that USA or similar did not pick up either of these brilliant shows.
- Became fully addicted to the library. Books, movies, online reservations. Began to shun Amazon and Netflix.
- Went to The Lake for the 4th, attending fellow barmaid Andi’s annual gala, which we now plan to attend every year until we are 92. Because it’s that awesome.
- Got back on Twitter. Signed up for a text plan. Addicted. Text me immediately.
- Rediscovered vodka, particularly in the form of tonics and also, mixed with Sierra Mist Red Ruby (hey, Ruby! I just noticed that now, ha ha!) Splash, which is fanTAStic. I want one right now.
- Planned a trip to NYC, which I’m taking in two days! To see my new nephew, among other things. He is one month old and beyond all cuteness
- Hid. I confess, my list is short and a little lame and mainly boils down to indoor addictions. Summer is not the Season of Pen. It’s hot out there, and I sort of loathe it. I burn easily, among other problems, and the mosquitoes flock to me. Because clearly I am super-sweet.
Don’t judge me. I hope you all did something more fun. Now: cheers to the start of Fall!
2 tips left at the bar:
fabulous list.
I don't get the picture, though. I mean, I like it, but. . .
oh, the crying? I'm slow. .sorry!
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