shot of sass, served on (n)ice

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Bad Boys, Bad Boys, Whatcha' Gonna Do?

I'll spare you the explanation for why this is late and how I decided and just get down to what you really want to know here. (Caveat: If anyone is ever stupid enough to marry me, he better understand that I'm basically a celebrity-whore, and essentially anyone on any of these lists - The Rock excepted - would totally be a "freebie.")

Conor Oberst - A big fat duh if you've ever read Nik's Notes. We are soulmates. I know this because a) he writes meaningful songs to my soul, b) he is dark and brooding, and c) he is a vegetarian. What more does a girl need? Oh, and he also omits the extra "n" in his name that is common for Connors, similar to how I omit the extra "k" in Niki. Clearly, I would run away with him if given even the slightest opportunity.

Hugh Grant - I don't even care about the prostitute thing from like 10 years ago. He's hot and he makes me laugh. I would watch this man watch paint dry. He somehow drew me into a theatre for a silly Drew Barrymore movie and I even didn't hate it. That accent, that wit, that floppy hair - I'm a sucker for the Brits, and he's my top choice.

Gael Garcia Bernal - Have you seen Y Tu Mama Tambien or The Motorcyle Diaries? If yes, no further explanation necessary. If no, why are you wasting your time reading this blog? GO. NOW! Get thee to the video store!

Jake Gyllenhaal - Dark hair? Check. Scruff? Check. Ridiculous blue eyes? Check, check. I am defenseless against this ruthless combination. Also in this category: Patrick Dempsey, Milo Ventimiglia, Johnny Depp (the last two have ridiculous brown eyes, but whatevs).

Taye Diggs - The beefiest hottie on my list. It's more than the chocolate skin, the wide gorgeous smile - his charm, his aura. My virtue would not stand a chance in his presence.

As I mentioned above, I'm a celebrity-whore, so naturally, I can't stop with this list. I give you also, the Top 5 TV Characters - if these characters existed in real life and I were to encounter them, Wow. Just. WOW.

Dr. Derek Shepherd, Grey's Anatomy - McDreamy really says it all, I think.

The Lost Boys - Sayid, Desmond, Sawyer, Jack - I'm really not particular among these four.

Pacey Witter, Dawson's Creek - That scene where he and Joey kiss for the first could you not love that??

Jordan Catalano, My So-Called Life - One night he sneaks into Angela's house and eats her cheese. He's so bad. He's so stupid. He so uses her. I'd SO make out with him in the boiler room.

Ben Covington, Felicity - *SPOILER* - In the last episode he tells Felicity that he's not sure what awful thing he's done to her in the future, but he is so, so sorry and he will spend the rest of his life making it up to her and I can't remember it exactly, but it's perfect. I heart him forever. (It sounds stupid, but there was time travel involved - really, it was excellent. I promise.)

(P.S. This post took me approximately 2 hours of keyboard time, not to mention the countless time I spent pondering it. See above: celebrity-whore.)

7 tips left at the bar:

penelope said...

Eeeeee! Ben Covington! Pacey! McDreamy! This is a GREAT list.

Were you pro-Ben the whole series, or did you waffle just as badly as Felicity between him and Noel. I admit, I waffled. Best show ever.

ashley said...

I almost put Josh Jackson on my list, but you're right, it's really about Pacey.

Jake is totally dreamy hot, but I couldn't put him on my list as he clearly belongs to you.

Your list is super delish. Two thumbs up.

Anonymous said...

Taye Diggs, of course, how'd I not think about him? It's amazing there are still so many hot ones left after we've all been devouring all week! Good luck with your list tomorrow, Pen.

And videos, too! Aren't you little miss overachiever? guess it makes up for the tardiness. LOVE Hugh's dance scene, even though I couldn't get the videos to play.

Anonymous said...

1. Kristen Bell
2. Keira Knightley
3. Winona Ryder
4. Selma Hayek
5. Parker Posey

Why are all your guys so wimpy?

tempe & chris said...

Jordan Catalano. SIGH.

Great list!

Anonymous said...

Great blog! And since I'm celebrity-retarded, I am grateful you all posted pictures. I have to admit...last night I found myself watching VH1's hottest hotties of the 90's. Suddenly, these two came out of my television and started humping my couch: LL Cool J and Mark Wahlberg. YUM.

jenn said...

Awesome list. Taye Diggs. . . mmmmm. Why oh why did they have to withhold "Private Practice" until fall?